The W3C’s history

From their start to present day - why they exist

This week we got the first assignment in IT (well technically, the blog task was given out first, but this is due earlier). Essentially, we need to find out the history of W3C and how the web operates with it. I have already done some research on the W3C and the web, so that's less work to do, but it was only a bit, so better as background research. The task sounds simple in theory, but only will know when actually start researching and writing it.

I didn’t really do that much research to be honest. But, Tim Berners-Lee, the founder of World Wide Web made that into a term commonly known as “WWW”, made the first program to view the program (a browser), then he made the first version of "HyperText Markup Language" (HTML). This wasn't as popular as you might think, but eventually it got more prominent in use, to be fair every new thing takes a while to be adopted, and I would say that this was one of the fast adoptions.

But there wasn’t really a standard for WWW or HTML, so in October 1994 some people got together and made a standard for them, the origination then called themselves the W3C. Currently, they lost the reverence compared to what they had, for people making a website, they use the standards W3C, but they probably don’t even know who they are. They exist mainly because standards need an organization to manage them, they also are useful with the complex standards, as everything needs to be standardized.

They have had some competitors (or things that stopped the standard being popular), firstly IE, has lots of non-standard extensions for HTML/CSS/DOM, this didn’t help the standard ways getting used, and also bloated websites. Browsers today still do it sadly, Web-Kit has lots of custom CSS styles, most of them have standard ways. There is also Mozilla Firefox that has custom styles but not to the same extreme as Web-Kit (also Chrome as they use Web-Kit for HTML)

I learned this week that the W3C is more important than I originally thought, I thought they just existed and just had some recommendations, but now with my research I know that making a website is very involved with the W3C. I believe we (the 2 people that do web-dev) are leaning this is as we need to make a website soon, we should know the rules and standards, so our website can be the best in accessibility and design as it can be. Not only that, but I would say I haven't done that good of a job communicating with others, I didn't really do much in class (as we got assignment of Thursday, and nothing before) so couldn't tank much about the W3C. I did find that finding out about the W3C's history was interesting, and I learned a lot about the history of the web, and how it was created. Something that I was proud of was that when I was reading about the internet, I didn't have to think so hard like other research assignments.