How important is UX

Does it affect the success of a website?


As said in the data science post, last week was exam week, The only difference is that I actually did work in web dev, because I had an exam to do and I needed to revise for it. The revision was also basic like data science (aka not doing much), but it was focused on things done previously in class (so mainly UX). I should have spent more time on this so that I could have had a even better grasp on what to write. Nonetheless, I would say that I did a substantial effort on writing the test.

What was written/done

The prompt given was “User experience is not a major component of a successful website”. I disagreed with this, saying that you need your users to be happy otherwise they might not use the website anymore. Although I did point out if this particular website was required to use, they may survive (but if competing site is better then they may die). Success is usually if the business is sustainable, so it it profitable, and does the users want to give it money (or see its ads)

The revision that I did:

  • Re-look at the types of UX (from last week)
  • So some example sites (how they follow the rules)
  • Ponder about why so many sites don’t follow much accessibility guidelines/ look bad (this wasn’t needed for revision though)
  • And look over all the content done from this term (there were lots of things not used in this test - esp JS/CSS)


What was the best thing you did?

There isn’t one best thing that I did per say, but one that is good is that it was the most that I have ever written for an in class task. While it could be that my teacher is good for letting us use laptops (unlike other subjects - English…), but also it is the first IT in class and I am interested by IT so it is no-wonder that the test was good. Another thing that I think I did was to come up with good arguments, they aren’t that compelling/ good on retrospect but at the time it sounded good (and considering that I only had 1hr to do it all)

How could you improve your time?

Some ways that I could have improved my time (the 1hr exam) would have been having a consistent ideas. For a bit of time I was switching back and forwards with ideas, this is bad normally for a task, but even more with a bigger time pressure. While it is good to have the best arguments, there is a point of time when it is better to use a bad idea (that has some stuff written in it) then to get a better idea. For the time before the test I should have been doing some more research (like above) to have a better argument (could have been better if I had done that).

What frustrated you?

Obviously the most frustrating thing was the time limit. Trying to get stuff done in that short period of time was a stretch and I am surprised that I even did something that is good enough quality. While there was lots of thing that could have been better (said above), I am glad there was a limit so that the teacher can see how we think in a short period of time (or how we argue our point). To improve I can/should do more practice in time pressured so that it is less stressful (but you want some stress still).