Seaborn Intro

Basically matplotlib but more simple


This last week in data science it was more or less just continuing learning about big data. We finished the theory (PowerPoints) to start to focus on showing small data in a more simple way (than matplotlib). Seaborn in a simple way is a wrapper for matplotlib to provide easier way to graph but with reduced customisation as a result.

What was completed

We were given a tutorial to follow, I skim read it because it looked fairly simple to what I already know. Most others in the class also didn’t go that thoroughly through it. If you were one of the ones that actually read it, you would have found out which programs are required to install, how to make a graph from a list, and some more basic plotting methods. Overall, it is good for beginners but boring for people who understand it (the reason that this task was optional).

After we completed that, we were given a more complex task, and it was mostly copy and past (CTRL + C CTRL + V). It was implied that you were meant to read the description and understand the code when copying it into the local python file you made. I read it mostly and did a basic analysis of the code, I could have done better though.


Did you give your best effort on this?

I would always like to think that I put my best effort on every task I do, but realistically that doesn't happen that often. For this task I did put some effort towards everything, this included not blindly copying the code but rather having some time to analyze the code and how it worked. Me personally, there is a long way to go for putting the full capacity of my effort onto it. But as said times and times, I will (and am) try to thrive to be better.

What were you most proud of?

The thing that I was most proud of while completing the last week’s task was copying the code without getting bored. This could have been because I somewhat tried to understand what was happening. This is good as it means I learn more (because of the reading) and I have the code to be able to run. I was also proud of how I quickly found out how to do the tutorial in a basic python file (.py) compared to the tutorial’s notebook (there were some notebook only features).

Which activities helped you learn the most?

The activities that helped me learn more about what we were doing included my favourite copying. It is my favourite way because it is easy and is easy to learn from the things that was being copied. If you got confused from that, then you can Google your way to understanding, because it has the most information on any topic that basically exists. And if there is nothing that is online, then my next thing it to ask my peers and they most of the time help me to understand it.