How important is revision

There wasn’t much to do other then revision


Technically it has been another week since last time, but I haven’t done much for data science in those days. There are many reasons for that, firstly there were no classes, and secondly my exam for data science was put on the same slot as one of my other classes slot (so I got it changed another date - next week Tuesday). The question is probably close to what we are doing in class (at least that was the case for the web dev), so I think it would be something around bias and something to agree/disagree towards.

What was completed/will be

As said above, I only did some small revision. Nothing to major however maybe tonight (Monday) I will do lots because the test is on the following day. It is important to do this because I don’t want to be in the test and try to remember things necessary for completing the essay (or response). In the time before the test I should revise:

  • Look at the different types of bias - This is useful if it is asking how someone can be affecting data
  • Find out the damages cause by bias - Possibly useful, but interesting to find out about
  • Ways to combat bias - Good it trying to say that it is easy for the person to not affect the data as much
  • And just how to spot the biases - This is kind of like point 1, but making sure to find out how to detect it

Note some of the things above I may of done last week


Do you now feel prepared for the exam?

Now that I have done some revision, I feel slightly better prepared to take the test. I should have done more in terms of revising what to do so that I can do my best. However, I feel like I have done as much as I would feel comfortable doing (but there is no such thing as too much studying… actually maybe there is). In other words I feel like I should go well, but I should do some more things before I take the test.

If you could do last week again, how?

As said above, may main priority of things to change would be doing more revision. I might also look more over last week’s (and terms) content to be able to understand anything that the teacher could give out as a prompt. Overall, revision is very important and should be done, I should also do that for other subjects too (as I spend more effort in IT then other classes).

Which activities helped you learn the most?

The activities that were helpful for leaning the most were re-looking at previously done tasks. At least for the part where where I did some looking and stuff. I found it good because there was a reason that they were provided/ given out to be completed. There wasn’t much that I could do, no classes where I could ask (or distract) other classmates, but if I wanted to I could have went to them and asked my question (if I had one).