Random Data

Getting different types of data for a database


As you may already know that the school year is wrapping up soon, I will not talk about it here. Instead, I will talk about my web dev assignment and how I have completed it. The things that I have done for the SQL assignment was getting some data to pre-add to the database, I also made some example scenarios that could occur, and how to write the SQL query's for getting/changing/removing things.

What was completed

For the data that was needed to be added by default, I decided to add songs and books. For songs/music I found a site called Genius that had lots of data about songs and used its API to get some random songs to add to the database. The method of getting the songs was basic, I just chose a random number and tried to see if Genuis had a song with that ID. Getting some random books wasn’t as easy, I found an API that claimed to give random books, however the endpoint timed out every time I tried to access. After some digging, I found an endpoint that did actually work (and I used it). The only issue is that some of the books aren’t in English, and I don’t know many of the books listed.

For creating some fake scenarios, I just made up some names and made-up things that they may do. For the first example, I made up a person that created an account and made a collection that was shared to a friend who made a comment on that collection. This was useful to show how to set some things in the database, but also fetch them when needed. I made some others, but they weren’t as interesting as they just played with one character.


What was the best part of the week?

In my opinion, the best thing that I did for the web dev assignment was making the examples. While they didn’t take that long to create, I tried to make an interesting plot of events that many people could do. Getting the data was more frustrating because there was lots of trial and error involved, especially when I finally found a website that does something but find out that it no longer operates. Overall, I would say that I preferred web dev over data science in terms of which one was more fun.

What’s the purpose of this?

The purpose of this assignment was to complement a website that was made in a previous assignment. However, for some reasons it didn’t happen and that made the assignment a bit more confusing. The intention of the assignment was to learn how to make a database, and I think I have fulfilled that requirement. I just have to do the little things of finishing (i.e. example queries and default data).

Did you give your best effort on this?

I gave my best effort in the time limits I self-imposed. If I did more before the weekend (like was said in the data science post). In the few days that I did do the assignment, I have made lots of progress, the main issue that I had was it being not detailed on requirements. Once I made the tables and added some data, I wasn’t sure what to do, so I made some queries (was asked, but i did more by making scenarios). Currently I think I need to comment on everything possible, but I would say that I did put lots of effort towards the assignments (this one and the whole year)