More about W3C

How they are useful/ what they do

In the last 7 days (or week) I have done more on my assignment, the one that I wrote about in previous post. But I have been more focusing on what the W3C does rather than history this week. That is because there are 3 parts for it, History (last post), Technology & Protocols (this post), and Societal Impacts (next post); that is my plan at least

I have discovered how they are involved in a way with everything to do with computers. That is because of the ports and protocols involved with doing the basic tasks to the network heavy tasks. An example is pinging, firstly it does DNS (to find, not really W3C though), then it sends an ICMP request (Control Message Protocol), then it gets a response (reply packet) it uses math to determine how long it took. Another example is, watching YouTube, firstly DNS, then sends a request packet to the server on port 80/443 (can be others, but those are the standard), then gets a TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) data to do stuff with like display the webpage/video using HTML or buffer stream. Overall it has a lot of uses, and is benefitable for every device involved, no weird propriety things that confuse them.

It has been amassing to find out how many things they control (or have large control in). When I started looking about them, I thought they were just for WWW, but many googles later I have found out that they are the body for standardization of Web technologies, which includes the WWW but also includes how pages look on different devices, how data is sent, and the protocols involved with internet.

Did you know that website developers actually liked the W3C? That is because before them, there was a lot of browser specific things, and once there is a standard way to display the code (after all it is a markup language), less time wasted making it look good on all browsers.

I didn’t put my best effort, I could have done better, I spent too much time on the data science assignment and my other subject’s research assignment. If I had spent more time than I might have been able to do more research on societal impacts, instead I could only learned about Technology & Protocols, which don’t get me wrong it is interesting, but work needs to be done. To prove my work this week to my teacher, I will be submitting a draft of my assignment (well also it is also good feedback), only issue is that I haven't done much to submit 🤔. I also show and talk to my teacher in-class, so he somewhat knows that I understand W3C. I found trying to find websites that had the right information frustrating, this is because for certain searches I wasn’t getting what I wanted. Also trying to find information without it being from the W3C’s website was a challenge, I don't want it because it can be a bit biased and isn't the best for a reference list. I hopefully will overcome that issue by more searching and scrolling.

TL;DR: I did more on assignment, and discovered how useful W3C is. And need to do more next week