Re-evaluating project

Not changing completely, just changing core elements.


This Monday I think you want to know more about my project… I also hear that you are curious about the future of my project and if I did what I said last week. Firstly, I didn’t add color to the table this is because I focused on other things. The only thing that I did was re-evaluate what the hunger games project will be. The main thing to know is that I am trying to make it more like the movie and make it more complex (because I want it to be fun). Unfortunately, you may have to wait some time to know about how this goes as I have in class exam (as I mentioned in web dev post).

What was completed

The main thing that I am planning to do to make it make it more like the hunger games is to have multiple districts. This means that I can make district specific benefits (like better defence for district that manufactures that). I may be able to not have as many people and just many years because only 2 from each district (probably 12). And I plan to give rewards to winning district (ie better food) which can further improve generational goodness.

I am going to do a full rewrite and copy good code because if how much I am changing and that I want something even better. Something that I need to do is actually do is simulate fighting better. This means fights that can occur at the same time but not created as a list (however, if this gets too difficult, I will keep my current concept). I am probably going to use Python again, but if I find anything else that could be better, I may change (only would really be JS because I am not going to learn a new programming language for this).

To do this I will either start with a few hundred people and then randomly select a player to participate or just create 2 random people to fight per district. The thing that this genetic algorithm will be focusing is more in generational learning (make them learn how to fight better somehow) and still keep the stats thing with some degree of speciality.

Overall, this is a large overall, and now that I remember my code, I think I can keep some of it and build upon it better. And I know that this is way more complex, but I plan to document the progress with you (just wait some time for the topic change of exam).


Do you feel like this is a good change?

Well, I feel like this allows me to do more with the project and allows some better and more multi-generational learning. Currently it isn’t learning as much as I would like so this change is allowing me to somehow make it learn what is the best thing to do. I know that I may be a bit ambitious (esp with the added inventory slots), but it is fun to brainstorm and potentially implementing. I hope the fun will last and I get creative ways to implement this.

What was the motivation for this?

The main motivation to do this large change was me trying to come up with ways on how to do the next things. I didn’t like the way that my code is (the fighting method mainly), so I decided that I should re-write the code. As I am changing the code, I might as well make use of that and implement some more features that make this project more appealing and better. Just like I said above, I currently have motivation for this change and that needs to last quite a while.

What is your plan for next week?

If you read the start of this post or my web dev post, then you will know that I plan to work on the tests. I personally don’t like them as much as the projects, but it isn’t up to me so I should try my best. So, I will look at the topics provided and do some research into it so that I can do a good 70 minute response. I will also try with a draft response, but that is a future me problem. I won’t try and tackle these ideas and implement them as of now unless I really have time for that. However, I will keep this at the back of my mind and continue to brainstorm new ideas (like I have been doing for web dev this term).