ER Diagram

Showing a database structure easily


The web dev this week was focused on making an entity relationship diagram, this is useful for making out how a database should look and operate before touching SQL and going down a rabbit hole. Personally, I am finding the process of making the diagram annoying because of the way that sells connect (i.e. one to many), and remembering about things that can't be done in SQL (i.e. many to many).

What was completed

I have attempted to create an ER diagram for the collection thing, I have tried to add everything that would be needed, but there may be some errors with the relations. Luckily, the assignment is due in 1 week, so still time to fix and implement my diagram, otherwise, nothing really to submit which is not ideal. I need to start doing this before it is too late, which will include doing things that I don’t like. With the right amount of research for doing the things (SQL syntax/ entity relationships), I should complete each step.

The main tables that I have made are users and collections, they then are used for reviews, some metadata about collection, and images. Overall, it is a basic way of implementing the task outlines. There are still many to many relationships here because I am thinking of changing that method and haven’t been bothered to fix the issue (doing other assignments, again). Once the ER diagram is legit, I will reflect this by making those tables in SQL, and then creating some temp data (lots of John Doe), and finally making some queries for fetching the data.


How can you elaborate more?

The best way for me to elaborate more is to write more about what was done in the past week, and this can be tried in next week’s blog (aka last for year). It is important to elaborate on everything that is done because it shows the teacher that I actually understand what is happening, but also so that I ‘myself’ can believe that. While this year I have done the best amount of changing (actually write a descent number of words)., there is still more that can be done too fully master elaboration.

Which activities helped you learn the most?

Once again, the most helpful activities that helped me to learn/ do things were the things done in-class, ant it helped the making of ER Diagram. A few years ago, we had a different teacher who taught us the basics of the diagram, but it was (and still is). It is one the things that require practice to succeed (at least for me), which means that I either have to quickly work it out or do some more activities to help.

What is most relevant or important?

The things most relevant to this topic is learning about how to correctly make a diagram, and important to know how to implement it. It is also important to know how to translate it into SQL tables, especially SQLite (because it is what is being used for assignment). The reason that I mentioned SQLite is because some of the databases extend the structure and add helpful ways of storing the data, and I don’t want to do something for another one that is found on Stack Overflow.