Discussing about Data

Writing about the results of the visualization

The last week of the assignment was full of trial and error. Mainly just changing data (as in places for the weather data), and then changing the times for everything to match my question. This was mainly because I already had done basically everything programming wise in the weeks prior and upon doing the report I realized that there are some thinks that need to be changes (mainly the data used). Annoyingly, the place that I had originally used was not similar to what it should be geographically (not that similar to Brisbane), the only place that really is close (and still is mostly similar) is not as close as the original (first place I used).

There were some other (bad) things that I have noticed upon trying to finish the task (that is due when this post comes out). The main thing was the amount of independent variables, when I started I wanted to compare 2 places with the weather pattern (that is fine so far), but then I wanted to add the weather cycle to it (now we have 2 independent variables - one location and time), and to top it all of, it is using different places to collect the data (displays data differently and one of them doesn’t provide the data well - no average only min/max). So, there is no time to change everything and restart, but luckily this is not a science experiment, so it should not matter that much.

On the assignment sheet there was a part for “ethical considerations”, I’m still not sure what to put there as everything that I have done/used is ethical and is very freely available to anyone. Possibly only thing could be put there is that how my visualization could be misleading and make people think something else (in other words how I use the data). Even looking at the definition from Google, it does not help me find much inspiration on what to write.

I also realized that when making the code I left room for if I was to do it actually fancier (ie. having the weather class have multiple locations - but only using one). I should remove it and make it simpler before submission, but I think it worked just fine. It could also be because I decided to not use that many libraries like others might use (eg pandas)

Overall, I did learn (or relearned) how assessment items have weird sections that are confusing, but on a better note I leaned that doing the basic first and then updating it for the better was a good idea. This is probably because it shows a proof of concept before you research very deeply, this could lead to better research or more interest on the task. I defiantly did not do my best effort this week, I spent it on doing my web dev assignment, and I basically had finished it anyway. Wasn’t a good mindset, but it worked, a thing to improve on hopefully, but holidays are happening again very soon (basically why this is the last post for a while). I think I helped (some) people for starting the assignment and fixing some of their issues, but I think I may have distracted them a bit in-class while showing them what I had done. Also, something to improve on, hope they have a good end result (and I hope I also do!). I think for some things it isn’t the best to help because they could not understand what you are doing, so they will never change anything (also possibly because I don’t code comment well - Wait I need to update my file because it is actually assessable part). I should change my perspective on the assignments and tasks that the teacher gives out, I know that sometimes I am judging it (like at start of paragraph) and being mean to it, but ultimately these type of annoyances could be given at a workplace, and you just have to deal with it. Furthermore, I should also have changed my perspective on viewing my graph from a non-knowledgeable perspective, and seen if there is thinks that should be changed.

TL;DR: Finished assignment, happy that is finally over. And soon holidays!