Coming up with ideas

Still coming up with ideas on what to do for the project.


Since you are reading this, you must be expecting an update. Well, there isn’t much to tell you other than that I am still coming up with ideas on what to do. Last week I was still thinking on what the “collection” will mean in my website. If I don’t decide in the next few days, I will start making the Flask website (and do the basics first) and then decide on what to actually have the topic be. I may be overthinking this or not spending enough time (because other assignments), so not the best.

What was completed

Using the list if requirements (mentioned last week), I have the understanding on what I should be doing. And as also mentioned, the basics are that there is a website oriented around collections and a user being able to make/edit/and not delete (for some reason they can’t delete). This left me with a lot of choices, and currently I haven't decided on the main choice which is the collection. Currently I am leaning for it to be like a social media where a person/user can upload something, and then other users can add reviews/comments. This should be good if done well but can be weird and not user friendly. I am also considering what topic this should be for, it could be everything or one specific niche thing like music or movie.

Overall, I still have enough time right now, but if I wait any longer it will be not good. So, I will start to play with Flask and at the same time decide on the specifics (that in a sense are not the most important currently).


Has your plan changed?

As mentioned above, my plan is currently to just make something with Flask, and then decide on the specifics. This is very similar to what I said last week, the only difference is that a small order change (changing the website staring to be before topic choice). Fundamentally, this isn’t that much of a change, and I should still be able to get the end result still (and hopefully have good quality 🙂).

What did you learn this week?

The main thing I did is do some research to get some more knowledge on what can be done with Flask (its limits) and good project ideas (the topic). I have looked at some websites that do this (but way more complex), a good example is Instagram because you can have a collection of images and can contain comments (user interactivity). I also remember the mega series blog and how they did things to get around issues (it is a good resource).

Did you give your best effort on this?

No, I didn’t put my best effort this past week. If I was giving my best effort I would have started and have lots more progress than I currently have now. Unfortunately, I don’t have this level of progress yet, but that doesn’t mean I won’t. Next week when you read this, you should hear about the progress and there will be lots of updates that detail of the plan of how this assignment will be done.