In the past week I've changed the given code to something different but similar. The code I was changing was from OO Programming (post). Even though I have already done it in the week prior, only in the last week it was submitted, but my teacher didn't like that I changed it, so I showed him the changes. This luckily worked and he told me what I should do when/if I do it again. He said that I need to clearly state the changes but also if can be avoided don't change.
The code below was the original way it was meant to work. This way (the Connector()
) was meant to combat recursion but I didn't understand the way it worked well.
power = Power("Power")
switch = Switch("Switch")
and1 = AndGate("and1")
and2 = AndGate("and2")
and3 = AndGate("and3")
not1 = NotGate("not1")
not2 = NotGate("not1")
jk1 = JKFlipFlop("jk1")
jk2 = JKFlipFlop("jk2")
# The power connecting to the switch (top-left)
a= Connector(power, switch)
# The top-left `and1` connecting switch and jk2
b=Connector(switch, and1)
c=Connector(jk2, and1)
# The top-right `not1` connecting switch
d=Connector(switch, not1)
# The top-right `and1` and `not1` connecting to jk1
e=Connector(not1, jk1)
f=Connector(and1, jk1)
# The bottom-left `and2` connecting switch and jk1
h=Connector(switch, and2)
i=Connector(switch, jk1)
# The `and2` and power connecting to jk2
j=Connector(and2, jk2)
k=Connector(power, jk2)
# The `not2` and power connecting to jk1
l=Connector(not2, jk1)
# The right `and3` connecting from jk1 and jk2
m=Connector(and3, not2)
n=Connector(and3, jk2)
So since I decided that was to confusing for me, I changed it to this way. This way makes more sense to me, and I can understand it better. But the only issue is I had to make new functions for the flip-flop to get around the recursion. Some of the changes are in the classes though, but the code below shows an overview of the changes.
switch = SWITCH(AlwaysON(), True)
ffaand = ANDGate(switch, JKFlipFlopReceiver(1))
ffa = JKFlipFlop(ffaand, NOTGate(switch), 0)
ffband = ANDGate(switch, NOTGate(JKFlipFlopReceiver(0)))
ffb = JKFlipFlop(ffband, AlwaysON(), 1)
yand = ANDGate(NOTGate(ffa), ffb)
y = PRINTER(yand)
To prevent issues and implement what my teacher said, I've added the following to the top of document.
Changes to the original code:
* Removed connectors and replaced them with passing the inputs into the class instead (implicit connection)
* Changed some of the wording of functions - separated some `performGateLogic()` into `calculate()`
* ... (more)
I have now learned that changing code that was given is not the best idea. I will try to not change much fundamental things, but if I have changed anything, something will be said at the top of the document. I found that by changing the code to something I understood better, the original code actually made more sense than before. That means that from now on, if I have issues with code I can change it to something understandable to understand, but then change it back to the original code.