Bias causes issues

Just in general bias is bad in any form (and should be compensated for)


Unless you are being affected by bias (in some weird way) then you would know that it has been 7 days since the last post. In that time I have done more learning about bias and how it can be bad in other ways (ie not just data). It is always bad and should be minimised/compensated for but more broadly it should be identified as quick as possible to reduce the impact of it.

What was learned

I found out that bias can be found in a business setting. It can affect who is hired/ promoted because the employer may judge people on their looks or something else rather then their skills that is necessary in the business. It also can affect how people interact with others in that business, how they talk to their colleagues and also their boss(es).

Bias is simply unfair (and sometimes more kind) to some people/groups. But basically it is just influences our behaviour (consciously or unconsciously - both bad). We (humans) judge things before we actually analyse them fully (that is also how data representation is linked), and then we jump to conclusions based on some small data about someone/a graph.

We need to fix it to be fare and not miss-lead people (or be miss-lead) as it is not good to do. Some types of bias is easier to fix, but they all need to be reduced at all costs. Otherwise you may tern into someone that people don’t like just because you judge things too much.


Did you give your best effort on this?

For the question of did you use your best effort, I have a mixed answer of yes and no. The reason for that is because there wasn’t much to so I didn’t do my best effort, and that I could have done more independent research before today. But for completing the things required, I did do a substantial effort of trying to complete, because I could have written more and found more case studies.

How can I elaborate more?

There are many ways that I could have elaborated more in the task of biases. The most simple method could have been by researching and making my answers better (ie more in depth). If I had done that I could have had a bigger paragraph (or even multiple) just because I did some Googling to get some information. Something that I wouldn’t do is to write non-concise or the same point in many ways as concise is usually better (unless you need the wordcount)

Were the strategies, skills and procedures you used effective?

The strategies that were effective were basically what is written above, doing researching so that you can have a better grasp on the content. Another thing that I did was to have patience when something isn’t making sense, for example: when I was trying to find some examples of how bias is being used in a bad way, I was finding it hard to get good examples but after some patience I did succeed. I know these sound cliché but that is maybe because they work and should be done